Latest SPC-1 IOPS vs LRT Chart Of The Month

SPC-1* IOPS v LRT for storage subsystems under $100/GB with subsystem price ($K) as bubble size
SPC-1* IOPS v LRT with subsystem cost as bubble size, (C) 2009 Silverton Consulting, Inc.
This chart was included in our last months newsletter and shows relative costs of subsystem storage as well as subsystems performance on two axis SPC-1 IO operations per second and measured Least Response Time.

Having the spreadsheet, I can easily tell which bubble is which subsystem but have yet to figure out an easy way for Excel to label the bubbles. For example the two largest bubbles with highest IOPs performance are the IBM SVC4.3 and 3PAR Inserv T800 subsystems.

The IBM SVC is a storage virtualization engine which has 16-DS4700 storage subsystems behind it with 8-SVC nodes using 1536-146GB drives at a total cost of $3.2M. Whereas the 3PAR has 8 T-Series controller nodes with 1280-146GB drives at a total cost of $2.1M.

I am constantly looking for new ways to depict storage performance data and found that other than the lack of labels, this was almost perfect. It offered both IOPS and LRT performance metrics as well as subsystem price in one chart.

This chart and others like it were sent out in last months SCI newsletter. If you are interested in receiving your own copy of next months newsletter please drop me an email

*Information for this chart is from the Storage Performance Council and can be found