NASA’s journey to the cloud – part 1

Read an article the other day, NASA Turns to the Cloud for Help With Next-Generation Earth Missions about how NASA was had started to migrate all their data to the cloud and intended to store all new data there as well. The hope is that researchers would no longer need to download NASA data but rather could access it directly using cloud compute resources.

It turns out that newer earth science satellites are generating so much data that hosting all this data is becoming a challenge and with the quantities being discussed, researchers downloading the data, to perform research in their own environments may take days.

Until recently, earth science data has been hosted and downloadable from NASA, ESA and other space organization sites. For example, see NASA’s GHCR DAAC (Global Hydrometerological Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center), ESA EarthOnline, JAXA GPM website, etc. Generally one could download a time series of data from any of their prior and current earth/planetary science missions without too much trouble.

The Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) archives and distributes Global Forest Cover Change (GFCC) data products through the NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) ( Program….

But NASA’s newest earth science satellites will be generating lot’s of data. For instance, the SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) mission data load will be 20TB/day and the NISAR (NASA-Indian Synthetic Aperture Radar) mission data load will be 80TB/day. And it’s only getting worse as more missions with newer instruments come online.

NASA estimates that, over time, they will store 247PB of data in their EarthData Cloud. At the moment, they have already migrated some (all of ASF [Alaska Satellite Facility] DAAC and some of PO.DAAC [Physical Ocean]) of their Earth Science data to AWS (us-west-2) and over time all of it will migrate there.

NASA will eat any egress charges for EOSDIS data and are also paying any and all hosting fees to storage the data in AWS. Unclear whether they are using standard S3 or S3-Intelligent Tiering. And presumably they are using S3 replication to ensure they don’t lose DAAC data in the cloud, but I don’t see any evidence of that in the literature I’ve read. Of course this doubles the storage costs for their 247PB of DAAC data.

Access to all this data is available to anyone with an EarthData login. There you can register for a profile to access NASA earth sciences data.

NASA’s EarthData also offers a number of AWS cloud based services to help one access this data:

  • EarthData search – filtered search facility to access NASA EarthData by platform (e.g. satellite), instrument (e.g. camera/visual data), organization (e.g. NASA/JPL), etc.
  • EarthData Common Metadata Repository – API driven metadata repository that ” catalogs all data and service metadata records for NASA’s EOSDIS (Earth Observing System Data and Information System) system” data, that can be accessed by anyone, which includes programatic access to EarthData search.
  • EarthData Harmony – which is a EarthData Jupyter notebook examples and API documentation to perform research on earth science data in the EarthData cloud.

One reason to movie EOSDIS DAAC data to the cloud is to allow researchers to not have to download data to run their analysis. By using in cloud EC2 compute instances, they can run their research in AWS with direct , high speed access to the EarthData.

Of course, the researcher would need to purchase their EC2 compute facility directly from AWS. w. NASA publishes a sort of AWS pricing primer for researchers to use AWS EC2 compute to do research directly on the data in the cloud. Also NASA offers a series of tutorials on how to use the AWS cloud for doing research on NASA DAAC data.

Where to from here?

I find this all somewhat discouraging. Yes it’s the Gov’t but one needs to wonder what the overall costs of hosting NASA DAAC data on the AWS cloud will be over the long haul. Most organizations use the cloud to prototype and scale up services but once these services have stabilized, theymigrate them back to onprem/CoLoinfrastructure. See for example, Dropbox’s move away from the [AWS] cloud for ~600PB of data.

I get it, the public cloud allows for nearly infinite data scaleability. But cloud storage costs is not cheap, especially when you are talking about 100s of PBs. And in today’s world, with a whole bunch of open source solutions for object storage and services, one can almost recreate any cloud service in your own data center, at much lower price.

Sure it will still take IT infrastructure and personnel to put it all together. But NASA doesn’t seem to be lacking in infrastructure or IT personnel. Even if you are enamored with AWS services and software infrastructure, one can always run AWS Outpost in your data centers. And DAAC services seem to be pretty stable over time. Yes new satellites will generate more data, but the data load is understood and very predictable. So one should be able to anticipate all this and have infrastructure in place to deal with it.

Yes, having the ability to run analysis in the cloud directly on the data sitting also in the cloud is useful, especially not having to download TB of data. But these costs can also be significant and they are born by the researcher not NASA.

Another grip is why use AWS alone. The other cloud providers all have similar object storage and compute capabilities. It seems wiser to me to set up the EarthData service such that, different DAACs reside in different clouds. This would he more complex and harder to administer and use but I believe in the long run would lead to better more effective services at a more reasonable price.

Going to the cloud doesn’t have to be a one way endeavor. After using the cloud for a while, NASA should have a better idea of the costs of doing so and at that time understand better what it can and cannot afford to do on its own.

It will be interesting to see what ESA, JAXA, CERN and other big science organizations do as they are all in the same bind, data seems to be growing unbounded.

Picture Credit(s):

CTERA, Cloud NAS on steroids

We attended SFD22 last week and one of the presenters was CTERA, (for more information please see SFD22 videos of their session) discussing their enterprise class, cloud NAS solution.

We’ve heard a lot about cloud NAS systems lately (see our/listen to our GreyBeards on Storage podcast with LucidLink from last month). Cloud NAS systems provide a NAS (SMB, NFS, and S3 object storage) front-end system that uses the cloud or onprem object storage to hold customer data which is accessed through the use of (virtual or hardware) caching appliances.

These differ from file synch and share in that Cloud NAS systems

  • Don’t copy lots or all customer data to user devices, the only data that resides locally is metadata and the user’s or site’s working set (of files).
  • Do cache working set data locally to provide faster access
  • Do provide NFS, SMB and S3 access along with user drive, mobile app, API and web based access to customer data.
  • Do provide multiple options to host user data in multiple clouds or on prem
  • Do allow for some levels of collaboration on the same files

Although admittedly, the boundary lines between synch and share and Cloud NAS are starting to blur.

CTERA is a software defined solution. But, they also offer a whole gaggle of hardware options for edge filers, ranging from smart phone sized, 1TB flash cache for home office user to a multi-RU media edge server with 128TB of hybrid disk-SSD solution for 8K video editing.

They have HC100 edge filers, X-Series HCI edge servers, branch in a box, edge and Media edge filers. These later systems have specialized support for MacOS and Adobe suite systems. For their HCI edge systems they support Nutanix, Simplicity, HyperFlex and VxRail systems.

CTERA edge filers/servers can be clustered together to provide higher performance and HA. This way customers can scale-out their filers to supply whatever levels of IO performance they need. And CTERA allows customers to segregate (file workloads/directories) to be serviced by specific edge filer devices to minimize noisy neighbor performance problems.

CTERA supports a number of ways to access cloud NAS data:

  • Through (virtual or real) edge filers which present NFS, SMB or S3 access protocols
  • Through the use of CTERA Drive on MacOS or Windows desktop/laptop devices
  • Through a mobile device app for IOS or Android
  • Through their web portal
  • Through their API

CTERA uses a, HA, dual redundant, Portal service which is a cloud (or on prem) service that provides CTERA metadata database, edge filer/server management and other services, such as web access, cloud drive end points, mobile apps, API, etc.

CTERA uses S3 or Azure compatible object storage for its backend, source of truth repository to hold customer file data. CTERA currently supports 36 on-prem and in cloud object storage services. Customers can have their data in multiple object storage repositories. Customer files are mapped one to one to objects.

CTERA offers global dedupe, virus scanning, policy based scheduled snapshots and end to end encryption of customer data. Encryption keys can be held in the Portals or in a KMIP service that’s connected to the Portals.

CTERA has impressive data security support. As mentioned above end-to-end data encryption but they also support dark sites, zero-trust authentication and are DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) certified.

Customer data can also be pinned to edge filers, Moreover, specific customer (director/sub-directorydirectories) data can be hosted on specific buckets so that data can:

  • Stay within specified geographies,
  • Support multi-cloud services to eliminate vendor lock-in

CTERA file locking is what I would call hybrid. They offer strict consistency for file locking within sites but eventual consistency for file locking across sites. There are performance tradeoffs for strict consistency, so by using a hybrid approach, they offer most of what the world needs from file locking without incurring the performance overhead of strict consistency across sites. For another way to do support hybrid file locking consistency check out LucidLink’s approach (see the GreyBeards podcast with LucidLink above).

At the end of their session Aron Brand got up and took us into a deep dive on select portions of their system software. One thing I noticed is that the portal is NOT in the data path. Once the edge filers want to access a file, the Portal provides the credential verification and points the filer(s) to the appropriate object and the filers take off from there.

CTERA’s customer list is very impressive. It seems that many (50 of WW F500) large enterprises are customers of theirs. Some of the more prominent include GE, McDonalds, US Navy, and the US Air Force.

Oh and besides supporting potentially 1000s of sites, 100K users in the same name space, and they also have intrinsic support for multi-tenancy and offer cloud data migration services. For example, one can use Portal services to migrate cloud data from one cloud object storage provider to another.

They also mentioned they are working on supplying K8S container access to CTERA’s global file system data.

There’s a lot to like in CTERA. We hadn’t heard of them before but they seem focused on enterprise’s with lots of sites, boatloads of users and massive amounts of data. It seems like our kind of storage system.


The rise of MinIO object storage

MinIO presented at SFD21 a couple of weeks back (see videos here). They had a great session, as always with Jonathan and AB leading the charge. We’ve had a couple of GreyBeardsOnStorage podcasts with AB as well (listen and see GreyBeards talk open source S3… and GreyBeards talk Data Persistence …). We first talked with MinIO last year at SFD 19 where AB made a great impression on the bloggers (see videos here)

Their customers run the gamut from startups to F500. AB said that ~58% of the F500 have MinIO installed and over 8% of the F500 have added capacity over the last year. AB said they have a big presence in Finance, e.g., the 10 largest banks run MinIO, also the auto and Space/Defense sectors have adopted their product.

One reason for the later two sectors (auto & space/defense) is the size of MinIO’s binary, 50MB. And my guess for why the rest of those customers have adopted MinIO is because it’s S3 API compatible, it’s open source, and it’s relatively inexpensive.

Object storage trends

Customers running in the cloud have a love-hate relationship with object storage, they love that it scales but hate what it costs. There are numerous on prem object storage alternatives from traditional and non-traditional storage vendors, but most are deployed on appliances.

With appliances, customers have to order, wait for delivery, rack-configure-set up and after maybe weeks to months finally they have object storage on prem. But with MinIO a purely software, open source solution, it can be tried by merely downloading a couple of (Docker) containers and deployed/activated in under an hour..

As mentioned above, MinIO is API compatible with AWS S3 which helps with adoption. Moreover, now that it’s an integral part of VMware (see their new Data Persistence Platform), it can be enabled in seconds on your standard enterprise VMware cluster with Tanzu.

The other trend is that the edge needs storage, and lots of it. The main drivers of massive edge storage requirement are TelCos deploying 5G and auto industry’s self-driving cars. But this is just a start, industrial IoT will be generating reams of sensor log data at the edge, it will need to be stored somewhere. And what better place to store all this data, but on object storage. Furthermore, all this is driving more adoption of object storage, with MinIO picking up the lion’s share of deployments.

In addition, MinIO recently ported their software to run on ARM. AB said this was to support the expanding hobbyist and developers community driving edge innovation.

And then there was Kubernetes. Everyone in the industry (with the possible exception of Google) is surprised by the adoption of K8S. Google essentially gifted ~$1Bs in R&D on how to scale apps to the world of IT, and now any startup, anywhere, can scale with as well as Google can. And scaling is the “killer app” for the SW industry.

But performance isn’t bad either

Jonathan made mention of MinIO performance (see MinIO 24 node disk and MinIo 32 node NVMe SSD reports) benchmarks. Their disk data shows avg read and write performance of 16.3GB/s and 9.4GB/s, respectively and their NVMe SSD average read and write performance of 183.2GB/s and 171.3GB/s, respectively. The disk numbers are very good for object storage, but the SSD numbers are spectacular.

It turns out that modern, cloud native apps don’t need quick access to data as much as high data throughput. Modern apps have moved to a processing data in memory rather than off of storage, which means they move (large) chunks of data to memory and crunch on it there, and then spit it back out to storage This type of operating mode seems to scale better (in the cloud at least) than having a high priced storage system servicing a blizzard of IO requests from everywhere.

Other vendors had offered SSD object storage before but it never took off. But nowadays, with NVMe SSDs, MinIO is seeing starting to see healthcare, finance, and any AI/ML workloads all deploying NVMe SSD object storage. Yes for large storage repositories, (object storage’s traditional strongpoint), ie, 5PB to 100PB, disk can’t be beat but where blistering high throughput, is needed, NVMe SSD object storage is the way to go.

Open source vs. open core

AB mentioned that MinIO business model is 100% open source vs. many other vendors that use open source but whose business model is open core. The distinction is that open core vendors use open source as base functionality and then build proprietary, charged for, software features/functions on top of this.

But open source vendors, like MinIO offer all their functionality under an open source license (Apache SM License V2.0, GNU AGPL v3 Open Source license and other FOSS licenses), but if you want to use it commercially, build products with it embedded inside, or have enterprise class support, one purchases a commercial license.

As presented at SFD21, but their website home page has updated numbers reflected below

The pure open source model has some natural advantages:

  1. It’s a great lead gen solution because anyone, worldwide, 7X24X365 can download the software and start using it, (see Docker Hub or MinIO’s download page
  2. It’s a great hiring pool. Anyone, who has contributed to the MinIO open source is potentially a great technical hire. MinIO stats says they have 685 contributors, 19 in just the last month for MinIO base code (see MinIO’s GitHub repo).
  3. It’s a great development organization. With ~20 commits a weekover the last year, there’s a lot going on to add functionality/fix bugs. But that’s the new world of software development. Given all this activity, release frequencies increase, ~4 releases a month ((see GitHub repo insights above).
  4. It’s a great testing pool with, ~480M Docker Pulls (using a Docker container to run a standard, already configured MinIO server, mc, console, etc.) and ~18K enterprises running their solution, that’s an awful lot of users. With open source a lot of eye’s or contributors make all problems visible, but what’s more typical, from my perspective, is the more users that deploy your product, the more bugs they find.

Indeed, with the VMware’s Data Persistence Platform, Tanzu customers can use MinIO’s object storage at the click of a button (or three).

Of course, open source has downsides too. Anyone can access packages directly (from GitHub repo and elsewhere) and use your software. And of course, they can clone, fork and modify your source code, to add any functionality they want to it. Historically, open source subscription licensing models don’t generate as much revenues as appliance purchases do. And finally, open source, because it’s created by geeks, is typically difficult to deploy, configure, and use.

But can they meet the requirements of an Enterprise world

Because most open source is difficult to use, the enterprise has generally shied away from it. But that’s where there’s been a lot of changes to MinIO.

MinIO always had a “mc” (minio [admin] client) that offered a number of administrative services via an API, programmatically controlled interface. but they have recently come out with a GUI offering, the minIO console, which has a similarly functionality to their mc APU. They demoed the console on their SFD21 sessions (see videos above).

Supporting 18K enterprise users, even if only 8% are using it a lot, can be a challenge, but supporting almost a half a billion docker pulls (even if only 1/4th of these is a complete minIO deployment) can be hell on earth. The surprising thing is that MinIO’s commercial license promises customers direct-to-engineer support.

At their SFD21 sessions, AB stated they were getting ~2.7 new (tickets) problems a day. I assume these are what’s just coming in from commercial licensed users and not the general public (using their open source licensed offerings). AB said their average resolution time for these tickets was under 15 minutes.

Enter SubNet, the MinIO Subscription Network and their secret (not open source?) weapon to scale enterprise class support. Their direct-to-engineer support model involves a much, more collaborative approach to solving customer problems then you typical enterprise support with level 1, 2 & 3 support engineers. They demoed SubNet briefly at SFD21, but it could deserve a much longer discussion/demostration.

What little we saw (at SFD21) was that it looked almost like slack-PM dialog between customer and engineer but with unlimited downloads and realtime interaction.

MinIO also supports a very active Slack discussion group with ~11K users. Here anyone can ask a question and it will get answered by anyone. MinIO’s Slack has 2 channels: (Ggeneral and GitHub for notifications). It seems like MinIO is using Slack as a crowdsourced level 1 support.

But in the long run, to continue to offer “direct-to-engineer” levels of support, may require adding a whole lot more engineers. But AB seems prepared to do just that.


MinIO is an interesting open source S3 API compatible, object storage solution that seems to run just about anywhere, is freely deployable with enterprise class support available (at a price) and has high throughput performance. What’s not to like.

Can we back up a PB?

Tradition says no way. IT backup history says not on your life. Common sense would say never in a million years.

Most organizations with PB of data or more, depend on remote replication to protect against data center outage or massive loss of data. This of course costs ~2X your original data center. And for some organizations one copy is not enough, so ~3X .

I don’t know what a PB scale data storage costs these days but I can’t believe it’s under a couple Million $ USD in hw and sw costs and probably at least another Million or so in OpEx/year. Multiply that by 2 or 3X and you’re now talking real money.

How could backup help?

Well for one you wouldn’t need replicas, so that would cut your hw & sw acquisition costs by a factor of 2 or 3. But backup storage is not free either. So you’d probably need to add back 30-50% of the original data center in hw & sw costs for backups.

You certainly wouldn’t need as many admins. And power for backup storage should also be substantially less. So maybe your OpEx would only be 1.5X in total for the original PB and its backups.

But what could possibly back up a PB of data?

We were talking with Igneous at Cloud Field Day 8 (CFD8, see their video here)  a couple of weeks back and they said they could and do backup PBs of data for customers today. A while back, e also talked with them on a GreyBeards on Storage podcast.

The problems with backing up a PB seem insurmountable. First you have to be able to scan a PB of data. This means looking into multiple file systems on many different hardware platforms, across potentially multiple data centers, and that’s just to get a baseline of what all needs to be backed up.

Then at some point you actually have to store all that data on backup storage. So, to gain some cost advantage, you’d want to compress and deduplicate a PB of data, so that the first full backup wouldn’t take a full PB of backup storage.

Then of course you have to transfer a PB of data to your backup storage, in something that wouldn’t take months to perform. And that just gets you the first full backup.

Next, comes the daily scan of what’s changed. This has to re-scan your PB of data to find that 100TB or so, that’s changed over the last 24 hrs. Sometime after that scan completes, then all that 100TB or so of changed data needs to be compressed, deduped and transferred again to backup storage

And if that’s not enough, you have to do it all over again, every day, from now on, almost forever. And data continues to grow. So 1PB today is likely to be 2PB of more in 12 months (it’s great to be in the storage business). 

So those are the challenges. How can it be done, effectively, day in and day out, enough so that IT can depend on their data being backed up.

Igneous to the rescue…

First, Igneous came out of stealth a while back (listen to our podcast) with a couple of unique capabilities needed for massive data repository discovery and analysis. That is they built a unique engine to scan and index PB scale data repositories. This was so they couldd provide administrators better visibility into their PB scale data repositories. But this isn’t about that product, it’s about backup. 

But some of the capabilities they needed to support that product helped them perform backups as well. For instance, their scan needed to handle PBs of data. They came up with AdaptiveSCAN, which didn’t use standard NFS and SMB data transfer protocols to gain access to file metadata. To open a file on NFS or SMB takes quite a lot of NFS or SMB transactions. But to access metadata only, one doesn’t have to use all those NFS and SMB capabilities, it can be done with much less overhead even when using NFS or SMB.

Of course having a way to scan Billions of files was a major accomplishment, but then where do you put all that metadata. And how can you access it effectively to support backup up a PB data repository. So they needed some serious data indexing capabilities and so came up with InfiniteINDEX

Now a trillion item index, seems a bit much, even for PB scale repositories. But my guess is they have eyes on taking their PB scale backups and going after even bigger fish,. That is offering backups for EB scale data repository. And that might just take a trillion item index

Next, there’s moving PB or even TB of data quickly is no small trick. As the development team at Igneous mostly came from unstructured data providers, they also understood and have access to APIs for most storage vendors (NetApp, Dell-EMC Isilon, Pure FlashBlade, Qumulo, etc.). As such, where available, they utilized those native vendor storage API calls to help them move data rather than having to Open an NFS or SMB file and Read it. 

Of course, even doing all that, moving 100TBs of data around or scanning PB sized data repositories is going to take a lot of processing and IO bandwidth to do in a reasonable period of time. 

So another capability they developed is massive parallelism. That is being able to distribute scan, indexing or data movement work, out to multiple systems. In that fashion it can be accomplished in significantly less wall clock time. 

Well with all that, they pretty much had the guts of a backup application system for PB data repositories but they still didn’t have the glue to put it all together. But recently they announced just that a Igneous’s DataProtect, a full scale backup application for PB of data. 

I suppose I haven’t done justice to all of what they have developed or talked about at their session, so I would suggest viewing their talk at CFD8 and listening to our GBoS podcast to learn more. They did demo their product at CFD8 but I believe it was a canned demo.

I didn’t think I’d see the day when some vendor would offer backup services for PBs of data let alone be shooting for more, but there you have it. Igneous means to take your PB scale data repositories and make them as easy to operate as TB scale data repositories. They call that democratizing data.


See these other CFD8 bloggers write ups on Igneous.

CFD8  – Igneous Follow Up  by Nate Avery (@Nathaniel_Avery)

Picture credit(s): All from screen saves during Igneous’s session at CFD8

For data that never rests, NetApp NDAS

NetApp co-founder, Dave Hitz announced he was becoming a NetApp Founder Emeritus at the Storage Field Day (SFD18) show. He gave a great session about what he and his Hitz foundation’s been doing (for one example see our Archeology meets big data, post). He also discussed at length where he felt the storage world (and NetApp) must do to address the opportunities of the new cloud world. But this post isn’t about Dave, it’s about NetApp Data Availability Service, NDAS.

NetApp NDAS, currently in Beta but GAing (hopefully) later this year, is an AWS marketplace data orchestration solution that manages primary to secondary to S3 movement for ONTAP data. Essentially, NetApp Data Availability Services extends ONTAP data lifecycle management to AWS cloud. But it’s more than just a way to archive ONTAP data.

NDAS orchestrates Snapmirror services across ONTAP systems and AWS. But once your ONTAP data is in S3 it supplies access to that data for authorized AWS applications and services. That way one can use their ONTAP data to provide data analytics, train AI models, and do just about anything you can do with AWS applications today. By using NDAS, customers can extract more value from their ONTAP data.

NDAS is not just copying data to S3 but is also copying ONTAP metadata, catalogues and other information that provides context for that data. By copying ONTAP catalog information, customers and authorized end users can have file level access to ONTAP data residing in S3 objects.

NDAS today, only supports copying data from secondary ONTAP systems to S3. But a future enhancement will expand this to copy primary ONTAP data to S3.

How does NDAS work

NDAS provisions (your) EC2 instances, and middleware to read the data from the secondary systems and copy it to S3 buckets which you provide. NDAS after initial configuration to point to your ONTAP secondary storage systems, will autodiscover all the data available that can be copied to the cloud.

NDAS will start cataloguing your ONTAP data. NDAS EC2 instances support the NDAS copy, view and a Google-like search processes.

NDAS search presents a simplified file system view into your ONTAP data copied to S3. That way customers can identify data that could be used for AI training or data analytics that run in the cloud to access the data.

There’s extensive security to insure that NDAS is properly authorized to access your ONTAP data. Normal S3 security options also apply such as to have the data be encrypted on S3. NDAS data is automatically encrypted in flight.

Moreover, NDAS S3 bucket data can be replicated across AWS regions . Also serverless/lambda funationality are fully supported from or NDAS S3 buckets. .

What can it do with the data

AWS applications can access the data directly through NDAS APIs. Or customers can manually extract data they want to further process using the NDAS GUI to identify and copy data of interests. NDAS essentially creates a small app layer that allows users to view and access the ONTAP data in S3 as a file system.

One can have different NDAS AMIs operating in different regions for faster access or to support GDPR compliance requirements. Alternatively, a customer could have one NDAS AMI accessing all their secondary ONTAP instances.

NDAS is intended to provide a data analyst or IT generalist access to ONTAP data. This way AI training and big data analytics applications which run easily in the cloud, can have access to ONTAP data. In this way, customers can more effectively utilize data that IT has been storing and maintaining, since time began.

One NDAS beta customer is a MLB team. They have over time instrumented their stadiums to generate lot’s of data about pitch speed, rotation, ball location as it crosses the plate, etc.   The problem with all this data is siloed in onprem or IOT systems that generated it. But the customer wants to use the data to improve players, coaches and the viewer experience. And all that needs tools, applications and software that’s just not available to run in the data center. But with NDAS all this data is now available to cloud applications.

NDAS is supported by any ONTAP 9.5 or later (FAS, AFF, Cloud ONTAP, ONTAPselect) secondary storage system. ONTAP 9.5 software contains all the services required to support NDAS. This includes the copy-to-cloud APIs, as well as the NDAS proxy, which supplies the secure interface to NDAS operating in the cloud.

NetApp’s NDAS sessions are pretty informative. Anyone interested in finding out more should checkout the videos available on TechFieldDay website and Dave’s session is also worth a view.

For more information on Dave’s session and NDAS check out:

NetApp, Cloudier than ever by Enrico Signoretti (@ESignoretti)

NetApp and the space in between by Dan Frith (@PenguinPunk)



IT in space

Read an article last week about all the startup activity that’s taking place in space systems and infrastructure (see: As rocket companies proliferate … new tech emerges leading to a new space race). This is a consequence of cheap(er) launch systems from SpaceX, Blue Origin, Rocket Lab and others.

SpaceBelt, storage in space

One startup that caught my eye was SpaceBelt from Cloud Constellation Corporation, that’s planning to put PB (4X library of congress) of data storage in a constellation of LEO satellites.

The LEO storage pool will be populated by multiple nodes (satellites) with a set of geo-synchronous access points to the LEO storage pool. Customers use ground based secure terminals to talk with geosynchronous access satellites which communicate to the LEO storage nodes to access data.

Their main selling points appear to be data security and availability. The only way to access the data is through secured satellite downlinks/uplinks and then you only get to the geo-synchronous satellites. From there, those satellites access the LEO storage cloud directly. Customers can’t access the storage cloud without going through the geo-synchronous layer first and the secured terminals.

The problem with terrestrial data is that it is prone to security threats as well as natural disasters which take out a data center or a region. But with all your data residing in a space cloud, such concerns shouldn’t be a problem. (However, gaining access to your ground stations is a whole different story.

AWS and Lockheed-Martin supply new ground station service

The other company of interest is not a startup but a link up between Amazon and Lockheed Martin (see: Amazon-Lockheed Martin …) that supplies a new cloud based, satellite ground station as a service offering. The new service will use Lockheed Martin ground stations.

Currently, the service is limited to S-Band and attennas located in Denver, but plans are to expand to X-Band and locations throughout the world. The plan is to have ground stations located close to AWS data centers, so data center customers can have high speed, access to satellite data.

There are other startups in the ground station as a service space, but none with the resources of Amazon-Lockheed. All of this competition is just getting off the ground, but a few have been leasing idle ground station resources to customers. The AWS service already has a few big customers, like DigitalGlobe.

One thing we have learned, is that the appeal of cloud services is as much about the ecosystem that surrounds it, as the service offering itself. So having satellite ground stations as a service is good, but having these services, tied directly into other public cloud computing infrastructure, is much much better. Google, Microsoft, IBM are you listening?

Data centers in space

Why stop at storage? Wouldn’t it be better to support both storage and computation in space. That way access latencies wouldn’t be a concern. When terrestrial disasters occur, it’s not just data at risk. Ditto, for security threats.

Having whole data centers, would represent a whole new stratum of cloud computing. Also, now IT could implement space native applications.

If Microsoft can run a data center under the oceans, I see no reason they couldn’t do so in orbit. Especially when human flight returns to NASA/SpaceX. Just imagine admins and service techs as astronauts.

And yet, security and availability aren’t the only threats one has to deal with. What happens to the space cloud when war breaks out and satellite killers are set loose.

Yes, space infrastructure is not subject to terrestrial disasters or internet based security risks, but there are other problems besides those and war that exist such as solar storms and space debris clouds. .

In the end, it’s important to have multiple, non-overlapping risk profiles for your IT infrastructure. That is each IT deployment, may be subject to one set of risks but those sets are disjoint with another IT deployment option. IT in space, that is subject to solar storms, space debris, and satellite killers is a nice complement to terrestrial cloud data centers, subject to natural disasters, internet security risks, and other earth-based, man made disasters.

On the other hand, a large, solar storm like the 1859 one, could knock every data system on the world or in orbit, out. As for under the sea, it probably depends on how deep it was submerged!!

Photo Credit(s): Screen shots from SpaceBelt youtube video (c) SpaceBelt

Screens shot from AWS Ground Station as a Service sign up page (c) Amazon-Lockheed

Screen shots from Microsoft’s Under the sea news feature (c) Microsoft

Hitachi Vantara HCP, hits it out of the park #datacenternext

We talked with Hitachi Vantara this past week at a special Tech Field Day extra event (see videos here). This was an all day affair and was a broad discussion of Hitachi’s infrastructure portfolio.

There was much of interest in the days session but one in particular caught my eye and that was the session on Hitachi Vantara’s Content Platform (HCP).

Hitachi has a number of offerings surrounding their content platform, including:

  • HCP, on premises object store:
  • HCP Anywhere, enterprise file synch and share using HCP,
  • HCP Content Intelligence, compliance and content search for HCP object storage, and
  • HCP Data Ingestor, file gateway to HCP object storage.

I already knew about these  offerings but had no idea how successful HCP has been over the years. inng to Hitachi Vantara, HCP has over 4000 installations worldwide with over 2000 customers and is currently the number 1 on premises, object storage solution in the world.

For instance, HCP is installed in 4 out of the 5 largest banks, insurance companies, and TelCos worldwide. HCP Anywhere has over a million users with over 15K in Hitachi alone.  Hitachi Vantara has some customers using HCP installations that support 4000-5000 object ingests/sec.

HCP software supports geographically disbursed erasure coding, data compression, deduplication, and encryption of customer object data.

HCP development team has transitioned to using micro services/container based applications and have developed their Foundry Framework to make this easier. I believe the intent is to ultimately redevelop all HCP solutions using Foundry.

Hitachi mentioned a couple of customers:

  • US Government National Archives which uses HCP behind Pentaho to preserve presidential data and metadata for 100 years, and uses all open APIs to do so
  • UK Rabo Bank which uses HCP to support compliance monitoring across a number of data feeds
  • US  Ground Support which uses Pentaho, HCP, HCP Content Intelligence and HCP Anywhere  to support geospatial search to ascertain boats at sea and what they are doing/shipping.

There’s a lot more to HCP and Hitachi Vantara than summarized here and I would suggest viewing the TFD videos and check out the link above for more information.


Want to learn more, see these other TFD bloggers posts:

Hitachi is reshaping its IT division by Andrew Mauro (@Andrew_Mauro)

NetApp’s new NVMeoF/FC AFF & Cloud Data Volumes for every cloud

We attended a NetApp analyst event in their CA HQ last week and they had some interesting announcements as well other information to share. 1st up new faster ONTAP storage.


NetApp announced this week that their latest generation AFF (All Flash FAS) systems will support FC NVMeoF. We asked if this was just for NVMe SSDs or did it apply to all AFF media. The answer was it’s just another host interface which the customer can license for NVMe SSDs (available only on AFF F800) or SAS SSDs (A700S, A700, and A300). The only AFF not supporting the new host interface is their lowend AFF A220.

As for which NVMeoF, they only support FC at the moment, and it’s our belief that the FC NVMeoF spec is most well defined these days and the FC switch hardware (Brocade-Broadcom since Gen 5, now shipping Gen 6, Cisco not sure) already has NVMeoF support.

NetApp also mentioned support for 100GbE (A800 & A700S only) and 32Gbs FC hardware (all AFF systems but A220). So, presumably they offer NVMeoF for both 32Gbps and 16Gbps FC.

No word on when this will be available for Ethernet FCoE or iSCSI (iNVMe?) but with all the major storage vendors bar one, moving to NVMe SSDs it’s only a matter of time before they also support Ethernet NVMeoF.

As for AFF NVMeoF performance, the answer wasn’t entirely satisfactory. The indication was that the interface reduced response time by 10 usecs or so for NVMe SSDs over SAS SSDs. But I didn’t see any other performance information to substantiate that.

We did see on their AFF datasheet that with NVMe SSDs and NVMeoF FC, the AFF A800 response time was sub 200usec with throughput of 300GB/s (in a 24 node cluster, 12 HA pairs). This means they add only about 100usec for ONTAP data services, a decent trade off from our perspective. Later in their datasheet they say the A800 is capable of 1.3M IOPS and sub-500usec latencies. Unsure why they quoted both numbers.

Cloud Data Volumes

NetApp is taking storage to the cloud. They just announced that NetApp Cloud Data Volumes will be available as a native service under Google Cloud Platform (GCP). NetApp Cloud Data Volume is a storage-as-a-service offering that provides on demand ONTAP file services in the cloud.

For GCP,  both Google and NetApp will be offering the service. Dianne Green, GCP VP said Cloud Data Volumes are a bit like Kubernetes, disruption without disrupting. Customers can easily migrate their onprem file based applications to the cloud without having to worry about the performance of their data or data protection for that matter.

Getting the data there is another matter, but NetApp has other services like CloudSync and someday (maybe for Cloud Data Volumes), SnapMirror, which can help customers move data to and from the cloud.

Currently Cloud Data Volumes are in public preview as an Microsoft Azure Enterprise NFS (and SMB) service. It’s also in beta (I think) in AWS marketplace. And availability on GCP is still restricted. There’s a lot of emphasis at NetApp events on Cloud Data Volumes given its current status on public cloud providers but we think they are trying to gain some experience before they roll it out to the rest of the world.

However,  Jean English, NetApp CMO mentioned that NetApp’s Cloud Data Service business unit has over 1800 customers and currently supports a multi-PB storage footprint in various clouds. Note, this is not just Cloud Data Volumes but comprises all NetApp Cloud Data Services, which includes ONTAP Cloud, NPS, CloudSync, AltaVault, etc. Nonetheless, it’s an impressive indicator of just how far they have come in applying their storage magic to the public cloud in a short time. The hyperscalers (read public cloud providers) say NetApp is 2 or more years ahead of all the other competition and from what we can see, it’s true.

One of the key differentiators between NetApp Cloud Data Volumes and ONTAP Cloud is performance SLAs. Cloud Data Volume customers can select and purchase a specified performance SLA. We believe it comes at three levels and is normally purchased on a pay as you go, consumption based, service offering. However, it’s also available to be billed periodically, other purchase options may be available as well.

When asked what storage was behind the service, the only thing NetApp would confirm was that it was ONTAP storage, present in public cloud data centers in various regions. So Cloud Data Volumes is available in only specific regions but I would expect that to expand over time.

Data Visualization Center

They also christened their new Data Visualization Center (DVC) and we had a multi-course meal at the Bistro at the center. The DVC had a wrap around, 1.5 floor tall screen which showed some of NetApp customer success stories. Inside the screen was a more immersive setting and there was plenty of VR equipment in work spaces alongside customer conference rooms.

Full Disclosure: NetApp paid for all our travel, hotel and food during the analyst event and gave us all Google Home Minis as going away presents and NetApp is a long time customer of my firm.