Insecure SHA-1 imperils Internet security, PKI, and most password systems

safe 'n green by Robert S. Donovan (cc) (from flickr)
safe ‘n green by Robert S. Donovan (cc) (from flickr)

I suppose it’s inevitable but surprising nonetheless.  A recent article Faster computation will damage the Internet’s integrity in MIT Technology Review indicates that by 2018, SHA-1 will be crackable by any determined large  organization. Similarly, just a few years later,  perhaps by 2021 a much smaller organization will have the computational power to crack SHA-1 hash codes.

What’s a hash?

Cryptographic hash functions like SHA-1 are designed such that, when a string of characters is “hash”ed they generate a binary value which has a couple of great properties:

  • Irreversibility – given a text string and a “hash_value” generated by hashing “text_string”, there is no way to determine what the “text_string” was from its hash_value.
  • Uniqueness – given two or more text strings, “text_string1” and “text_string2” they should generate two unique hash values, “hash_value1” and “hash_value2”.

Although hash functions are designed to be irreversible that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t be broken via a brute force attack. For example, if one were to try every known text string, sooner or later one would come up with a “text_string1” that hashes to “hash_value1”.

But perhaps even more serious, the SHA-1 algorithm is prone to hash collisions  which makes fails the uniqueness property above.  That is, there are a few “text_string1″s that hash to the same “hash_value1”.

All this wouldn’t be much of a problem except that with Moore’s law in force and continuing for the next 6 years or so we will have processing power in chips capable of doing a brute force attack against SHA-1 to find text_strings that match any specific hash value.

So what’s the big deal?

Well it turns out that SHA-1 algorithms underpin almost all secure data transmissions today. That is, most Public-key infrastructure (PKI) depend on SHA-1 to sign digital certificates.  And although that’s pretty bad, what’s even worse is that Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) used by “https://” websites the world over also depend on SHA-1 to send key information used to encrypt/decrypt secure Internet transactions.

On top of all that, many of today’s secure systems with passwords, use SHA-1 to hash passwords and instead of storing actual passwords in plain-text on their password files, they only store the SHA-1 hash of the passwords.  As such, by 2021, anyone that can read the hashed password file can retrieve any password in plain text.

What all this means is that by 2018 for some and 2021 or thereabouts for just about anybody else, todays secure internet traffic, PKI and most system passwords will no longer be secure.

What needs to be done

It turns out that NSA knew about the failings of SHA-1 quite awhile ago and as such, NIST released SHA-2 as a new hash algorithm and its functional replacement.  Probably just in time, this month, NIST announced a winner for a new SHA-3 algorithm as a functional replacement for SHA-2.

This may take awhile, what needs to be done is to have all digital certificates that use SHA-1, be invalidated with new ones generated using SHA-2 or SHA-3.  And of course, TLS and SSL Internet functionality all have to be re-coded to recognize and use SHA-2 or SHA-3, instead of SHA-1.

Finally, for most of those password systems, users will need to re-login and have their password hashes changed over from SHA-1 to SHA-2 or SHA-3.

Naturally, in order to use SHA-2 or SHA-3 many systems may need to be upgraded to later levels of code.  Seems like Y2K all over again, only this time it’s security that’s going to crash.  It’s good to be in the consulting business, again.


But the real problem IMHO, is Moore’s law.  If it continues to double processing power/transistor density every two years or so, how long before SHA-2 or SHA-3 succumb to same sorts of brute force attacks?  Given that, we appear destined to change hashing, encryption and other security algorithms every decade or so until Moore’s law slows down or god forbid, stops altogether.
