Learning machine learning – part 3

Image of the cover of the book Deep Learning with Python

Decided to take the plunge and purchase the Deep Learning with Python book and see what it has to offer. In prior posts (see Learning machine learning – part 1 & part 2) we were working with the cloud tutorials. This Part one is based on the book

It has a great introduction into deep learning which is a subset of machine learning. After what I know today, the Microsoft Azure session was more on traditional (statistical) machine learning and not deep learning.


Installing deep learning

In order to use the book, you need access to Keras, Python, Jupyter and a Keras backend (TensorFlow, Microsoft CNTK or Theanno).

I decided not to use any cloud solutions and rather install Python, Jupiter, TensorFlow and Keras on my MacBook. Although it probably would have been much easier (and more costly) to use any cloud solution.

I followed the directions on the installing TensorFlow website for the PIP install (you have to install a “virtual environment” and “PIP” first). The MacBook didn’t have a NVIDIA GPU so I needed to install the CPU version of TensorFlow.

But I had the hardest time running any of the book examples. Whenever I changed any command cell in a Jupyter notebook with Keras functionality in them (like adding a space to the end of an “import Keras” command line), it would throw a (module not found) error.

After days of web searching for what path is used for Jupyter notebook-iPython/Python imports (sys.path and PYTHONPATH) and where I should be importing Keras from (it’s not “~/ .keras”), I got nowhere closer to running anything.

I finally saw that I could directly install Keras (again, when I installed Tensorflow, it installed Keras as well) into my VENV. After I did that, everything worked. (I probably have one too many Keras environments, but who cares).

Finally getting the environment correct, I could now execute any command cells in a Jupyter notebook (with Keras functionality properly, well most of them anyways).

Jupyter notebooks for dummies…

It took me a while to figure out that the way you run a Jupyter notebook server is by issuing the command “jupyter notebook” (nowhere in the command’s help file, but can be found in Jupyter tutorials). That’s when I started to see the problems in the installation section above with my Keras installation.

Understanding Jupyter notebooks is non-trivial. Yes, I know it’s an interactive code and documentation environment. It’s sort of like BASIC on steroids with WORD functionality built in/escapeable into at any time.

First thing to understand is that when you open up a jupyter notebook, you haven’t executed anything yet. YES there are output lines in the notebook you just opened but NO, they aren’t from executing them under your client-server environment.

The output lines you see in the notebook is output from someone else’s execution run. So while they may look like they worked fine but they haven’t executed in your installation environment yet..

Also, when executing Jupyter notebook command cells, pay special attention to the In [?]: that’s shown to the right of every command cell.

When the ‘?’ is a number, like In:[12] that tells you what sequence (12th in the sequence) that (multi-line command cell) has been executed in and when the ‘?’ a “*”, like In[*], it says that the Jupyter notebook server is executing that command cell. 

Some command cells generate Out [?]: lines and others do not. So can’t use this to tell if something’s been executed or not. The only way to tell if some command cell has been executed is by seeing the In [n]: integer as n be incremented from the last command cell you executed. Of course you can execute command cells out of sequence if you wish.

Jupyter notebook coding/executing was weird as one who is more used to C, Java, and other coding languages and IDEs. A video tutorial on Jupiter notebooks would probably have helped here, but I couldn’t find one.

Running the examples

You can download all of the books current examples from the book’s website.

The book suggests you add model layers, subtract model layers and change the parameters of the number of nodes in a model as examples for you to try at home.

In general, doing so (once the environment was setup properly) seemed to work as desired. Adding layers didn’t seem to change the accuracy of the models, if anything it degraded it, and deleting layers didn’t help either. Ditto for adding or reducing node counts within a layer.

There’s a bunch of datasets that comes with Keras install used in the examples. Many examples have a first step where you modify this data so as to be more amenable to deep learning modeling.

For example, there’s a IMDB dataset that has film reviews. The film reviews are text files. But deep learning doesn’t work on text strings so you need to convert the text files into lists of integers. You do this by looking up each word in a word dictionary and substituting the index for each word in the review, generating an array (list) of integers.

This is all done through the NumPy package. It’s worth the time to become familiar with Python and probably NumPy. I took the verbal Python tutorial (but did nothing to learn NumPy).

Another example is a real estate prediction model that has 13 different parameters across 500 or so neighborhoods. The parameters are all different, some are distances, some %s, some pricing differences, etc. In order to perform deep learning on them, the example normalizes all of them, using distance from mean, in units of standard deviation.

There are other examples of data transformations as well. It seems that transforming your data into something amenable to deep learning is one part of the magic of deep learning.

Back to the book

Getting through chapter 3 of the book i- fairly straightforward when everything is set up properly. I found a iPad app (Juno) that could be used to connect to the Jupyter Server and it seemed to work once I found the proper command to use to start Jupyter (jupyter notebook –ip=”*”) and the proper Jupyter configuration parameters to use.

The examples are pretty self-documenting so you should be able to try out any of them on your own. The book adds great explanations on machine learning, deep learning and and the overall flow of how to approach a deep learning project.

Once you finish chapter 4 of the book you have all the tools one needs to tackle any deep learning project that you want to attack. You may need to read up on how to transform your data and you will probably be using one of the modeling techniques in one of the examples but it seems easy enough.

The rest of the book’s chapters (which I have yet to complete) deal with deep learning in practice and it’s in these chapters that you can learn some of the art of deep learning data science and model science..


I ended up having fun with Jupyter notebooks, once I got them running with the iPad client in one hand and the book in the other. At the end of chapter 4, I startedto see some applications to my consulting business that might be interesting to model.

Using the Mac CPU was fast enough for the examples but I may have to tear down the crypto mine and use it as an AI server for my home network if I plan to tackle something with more data.

Wish me luck…